Wod War 6 is here!

Wod War's is a local fitness competition that puts as much focus on having a good time as having competitive workouts that challenge teams physically.  Workouts that display your teams engines, gymnastic skill, and brute strength are on showcase every year.  What makes this event different than most other fitness competitions is the fact that there are options for every wod so that your team can choose if they want to scale or not.   We release each wod in advance before your team signs up, so you know exactly what is coming.  In addition, teams are allowed to select a scaled option and still compete in the RX division.  This allows teams that may have one weak area to compete with the rest of the pack instead of having to enter the entire team in another division.  So if you have one person that can't do a muscle up, no worries!  You will know if they have to do one ahead of time.  If muscle ups are in a workout, we will have a scaled option for you as well!  Wod War's also puts a huge emphasis on team workouts in which everyone can help out and not just having teams do individual workouts in relay form.  Its a TEAM wod!

The Wod War event strives each year to think up something that makes it special and stand out from other years.  This year is no exception.  So often at Fitness competitions, the workouts are consistently under 10 minutes long.  Factor this in with the fact that very often multiple team mates are competing together during that 10 minutes and the work time gets shorter and shorter.  Anaerobic Endurance and short burst Aerobic Power is normally on display at these events, which leaves out a mainstay of training that all of us do at our home boxes…. Aerobic or Endurance work.  When do you sputter out on the workout Nate?  What about  Murph?  Athletes must have a different strategy when performing these wokouts than just go as fast as possible.  This is what we want to bring to the mix this year at Wod War 6!  The Three Ring Circus  (The Greatest Comp on Earth;)

Expect longer workouts with MASSIVE amounts of communication needed in order to excel.  Should you leave someone camped out at one movement?  Or maybe a rotation strategy is needed.  Every team will have to play to their strengths and against their weaknesses in order to get the most out of each and every event.

Wod War 6 is hosted by CrossFit 540 and is located in their North Gym.  A smaller venue, we want to maintain the energy and fun of a gym-ran comp.

The event will be on Saturday Oct 13.  Beginning at 8am, we strive to keep the event running as quickly as possible to get you out of there as early as we can!

Teams will sign up using this link.  The cost is 250 per team and includes an event shirt.  

1000 dollars awarded for 1st place
500 for 2nd
250 for 3rd
As always winning teams will also get awesome walk away bags filled with tons of product.

Here are the workouts for Wod War 6!

Event 1
Wods 1,2, and 3

Group Nate
Teams of 4 will have 20 minutes to perform as many reps possible of 4 Ring MU (Burpee Pullups for scaled), 8 HSPU (pushups for scaled), and 12 Russian Kettle Bell Swings. 100/70 and 70/55(scaled).  One athlete will work at a time and teams may switch out as often as needed.

Row Squat
During the SAME 20 minute timeframe, teams will split into 2 mini teams of 2 athletes, and also perform reps of 27-21-15-9-6 Calories Rowed and OH Squats 95/65.  BOTH mini teams will need to perform this couplet in addition to the 20 min 4 person team wod.  The mini teams may and are encouraged to also work while the rest of the team is working on Group Nate
*Mini teams of 2 must remain the same 2 individuals until the Row Squat wod is done.  (if athletes A and B begin the Row Squat wod, then athlete C cannot jump in to row, Athlete C must perfom the Row Squat wod with athlete D)

Bike Sprint
Also during the 20 min AMRP,  Each individual will have to perform 3 separate 20 second sprints on the Assault Bike for max calories.  These individual sprints can be done at any time during the Event.

The total time for the event is 20 mins.  If teams do not finish both of the Row Squat mini wods then teams will suffer a 5 second penalty per uncompleted rep.  

The event will be scored by three ways.
      Group Nate Rounds and Reps
         RX options will be awarded 10pts per rep, and scaled will be awarded 5 pts

      The added time for both mini teams on the Row Squat wod
      The added calories of 12 separate 20 second Bike Sprints (3 per individual)
     *Russian Kettle Bell Swing Standard will be above shoulders to the face

Event 2
Wods 4,5, and 6
The Heavy Grind

The Grind
Teams of 4 will have 18 minutes to perform as many reps possible of 100 DU, 30 Cals Rowed, and 30 T2B.  One athlete will work at a time and teams may switch out as often as needed.

Heavy Barbell
During the first 9 minutes of the 18 min AMRP, teams will also perform as many reps possible of 7 Power Cleans, 7 Front Squats, 7 Jerks @ 185/125 (155/105 scaled)  One athlete will work at a time and teams may switch out as often as needed.

‘Bells and Bikes
During the last 9 minutes of the 18 min AMRP, teams will also perform as many reps possible of  15 Deads @ 315/215 (255/165 scaled), 15 Dual DB Lunges 70/50 (50/35 Scaled) 30 Cals on the Assault bike

The total time for the event is 18 mins.  1 longer 18 min wod, as well as two back to back 9 min wods that will be going on at the same time.

  The event will be scored three ways
        The grind for rounds and reps
        Heavy Barbell for rounds and reps
        RX weight will be awarded 10pts per rep and scaled will be awarded 5pts
        Bells and Bikes for rounds and reps
        RX weight will be awarded 10pts per rep and scaled will be awarded 5pts

Event 3
Wods 7 and 8
The Repeat!
Beasts vs Ninjas

Teams will split into groups of 2 and perform separate workouts at the same time. 

Thrusters 135/85
Box Jumps 30/24
In any combo that the team would like of the twosome, teams will have one athlete at a time perform the reps as fast as possible.

Thrusters 95/65
In any combo that the team would like of the twosome, teams will have one athlete at a time perform the reps as fast as possible.

There will be a 7 min time cap on the event.  A one second penalty will be added for any reps left uncompleted.

This event will be scored for both wods.